The average house price on SOUTH HILL GROVE is £219,456
The most expensive house in the street is 6 SOUTH HILL GROVE with an estimated value of £293,328
The cheapest house in the street is SOUTH HILL GROVE with an estimated value of £167,423
The house which was most recently sold was 2 SOUTH HILL GROVE, this sold on 19 Nov 2015 for £128,000
The postcode for SOUTH HILL GROVE is LS10 4SG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
SOUTH HILL GROVE Semi-Detached £167,423 £95,000 31 Oct 2008
2 SOUTH HILL GROVE Semi-Detached £179,570 £128,000 19 Nov 2015
5 SOUTH HILL GROVE Detached £247,951 £52,700 23 Jul 1998
6 SOUTH HILL GROVE Detached £293,328 £84,950 4 May 2001
7 SOUTH HILL GROVE Detached , 76 m2 £190,451 £112,000 13 Feb 2013
8 SOUTH HILL GROVE Semi-Detached £241,250 £42,000 11 Aug 1995
10 SOUTH HILL GROVE Semi-Detached £216,219 £46,000 28 Aug 1998